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Cleaning and Medical Supplies

Cleaning & Medical Supplies
Kitchen Cleaners
Joy Dish Soap 38oz
Palmolive Dish Soap 25oz
Cascade Powder Soap 45oz
Cascade Liquid Soap 45oz
409 Spray Cleaner 32oz
Comet Cleanser Powder 21oz
Windex 32oz
Pledge 18oz
Lysol Spray 19oz
Glade Air Freshener 13oz
Small Scotch Brite Pads 6ct
Large Scotch Brite Pads 6ct
Ajax Powder 14oz
Ammonia, Parsons w/lemon 28oz
Baking Soda 16oz
Bounce Fabric Softener 25ct
Brillo/Dobie Scouring Pad 1ct
Brillo Steel Wool Pads 10ct
Cascade Dishwasher Detergent 45oz
Clearly Clean (coffee pot cleaner) 14oz
Clorox Disposable Wipes 35ct
Clorox Liquid Bleach 24oz
Coffee Grinder Cleaning Tablets 430gr
Combat Roach Control System 12ct
Dawn Dishwashing Liquid 14oz
Downy Fabric Softener 34oz
Electrasol Tab with JetDry 20ct
Endust 10oz
Fantastik spray bottle 32oz
Handi Wipes 6ct
Jet Dry Liquid 12ct
Joy Dish Detergent 14oz
Lysol Spray Disinfectant “Crisp Linen” 6oz
Lysol Toilet Cleaner 16oz
Mop & Glow Floor Cleaner/Polish 32oz
Mr. Clean 28oz
Palmolive Dish Liquid 10oz
Pledge Furniture Wax 10oz
Pro 409 spray cleaner 22oz
Resolve Carpet Cleaner 22oz
Soft Scrub Scouring Detergent 24oz
Sponges 4ct
Tide Detergent - Powder 56oz
Tide Liquid Ultra w/ Bleach Alternative 50oz
Tilex 16oz
Urinal Screen-Deodorant 1ct
Windex 1gal
Windex w/Trigger 26oz
Windex refills 32oz
Wizard Spray 8oz
Air Pot Brush
Glass Pot Brush
Plastic Liners Trash Bags (7-10, 33 gal.)
Heavy Weight Liner Trash Bags (25, 60 gal.)
Soaps/Lotions/Hand Sanitizers
Dial Anti-Bacterial liquid soap pump
IvorySoft Soap - pump
Purell Hand Sanitizer – pump
Soft Soap
Scope Mouthwash
Vasoline Intensive Care Lotion
Wet Naps Moist Towelettes – foil wrapped
Food Storage
Ziplock Storage Bags (1 gal) 250ct
Ziplock Freezer Bags (1 gal) 250ct
Ziplock Storage Bags (1 quart) 500ct
Aluminum Foil
Saran Wrap
Pain Relievers
Advil 100ct
Aleve Caplets 100ct
Aspirin Individual Pack Generic 250ct
Back-Quell Tabs OC 300ct
Bayer Aspirin 100ct
Buffered Aspirin 250ct
Cetafen Extra 100ct
Cetafen Non-Aspirin 250ct
Exaprin Extra Strength 100ct
Extra Strength Tylenol 200ct
Fem Prin 100ct
Migrainex 300ct
Proprinal Ibuprofen 100ct
Cold & Allergy
Alka Seltzer Plus Cold 36ct
Benadryl 24ct
Cetafen Cold Caplets 100ct
Diphen Antihistimine 200ct
Guaifenesin-DM Cough Syrup 4oz
Robitussin-DM Cough Syrup 4oz
Sudo-Tab PE Decongestant 100ct
Therastat Cherry Cough Lozenges 125ct
Therastat Cough Lozenges 125ct
Thoracol Cough Lozenges 125ct
Alka-Seltzer 72ct
Gelusil Antacid 100ct
Immodium AD 12ct
Loperamide Anti-Diarrhea 12ct
Nutralox Mint Antacid 100ct
Pepcid AC 30ct
Pepto-Bismol 48ct
Tagamet HB 30ct
First Aid Supplies
Alcohol Rubbing 16oz
Bandages 50ct
First Aid Kits
Peroxide 16oz
Green Coffee

Why Intellivend
