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Vending Machine Technology
One of our founding principles is the commitment to vending machine technology and innovation. We dedicate significant amounts of financial and human capital in our quest to utilize the newest technologies available to our industry of vending. From our wireless monitoring systems, GPS tracking devices, advanced payment systems, data-reporting systems, sustainable vending solutions, and guaranteed delivery systems, technology is at the core of our organization. All committed to providing our customers with the most refreshing vending service possible. Below are some emerging technologies that we currently utilize to offer the best in vending machine technology.
Remote Monitoring
Our wireless remote monitoring system provides us 24/7, real-time, in-depth information about our vending machines. Through wireless data reporting, we receive up-to-the-minute overviews of sales, inventory levels, and malfunctions on our vending machines. This allows us to perform an in-depth analysis on each of our machines and locations which we then use to service our machines at the right time, provide our clients with the products they want most, and making sure to resolve problems before they become an issue. Remote Monitoring is one of the best vending machine technologies on the market because it keeps us up to date so you don't have to.
All of our equipment is equipped with the Sure-Vend solution. A major concern consumers have of vending machines is reliability. "Will my product jam again?" is the question people ask the most. With the Sure-Vend system, each machine comes equipped with infrared technology ensuring that products vend properly each and every time. In the event that a product is jammed, Sure-Vend detects the failure and tries to vend the product an additional two times. And if for some reason the product still won't vend, the vending machine will allow customers to select another product or choose to receive their money back. With Sure-Vend technology, you'll avoid tedious service calls, failed vends, and frustrated customers.
Cashless Payment Solutions
At Intellivend Services, we offer the most advanced payment systems available in vending. More and more people are using cashless and mobile payment methods in their daily lives. We've taken the initiative to partner with leading cashless providers such as USA Technologies to provide our clients with the most payment solutions. Credit/debit cards, mobile payments such as Google wallet, and machines that accept denominations of $5, $10, $20. We can even customize your payment center to be compatible with your own stored value systems or point of sale system. This new technology makes vending machines more accessible in our world that is using cash less and less.
GPS Tracking
To better serve our customers, all of our service vehicles are equipped with a GPS tracking system. This allows us to know where our vehicles are at throughout the day. GPS devices provide us with up-to-the-minute information on our vehicle and technician activity, such as service stops and variations in their route. GPS tracking also contributes to conserving fuel by operating more efficient routes with dynamic scheduling.
With our remote monitoring systems, we can pre-kit for every machine remotely. Most vending companies simply load up their delivery trucks with huge cases of what they generally need for that day. In many instances, this results in either running out of product on a busy day or coming back with too much product on the truck. With pre-kitting, we load bins with the exact amount of product needed for each machine individually. This ensures that machines are serviced accurately, with the freshest product possible.
Automatic Alerts
With our automatic alert solution, we can monitor the condition of every vending machine at all times, so we know about problems before our customers do. Each machine has a remote data port installed which notifies us whenever a malfunction occurs. When a maintenance call is needed, the machine calls out to our network and contacts us so we can promptly expedite a technician to diagnose and correct the problem even before a customer calls to report it.
Interactive Vending Solutions
As technology progresses rapidly, consumers are becoming more demanding when it comes to having an engaging and interactive experience with vending machines. Our vending solutions go beyond traditional vending machines with our innovative unattended micro-markets, interactive touchscreen vending machines, and the Mind by VEII-our interactive nutritional information tool designed to help consumers make choices based on their diets.
With a focus on offering the greatest possible vending experience possible we take technology and innovation very seriously and are always seeking new ways to make our vending services top of the line for you!
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Why Intellivend
